Massage Mercantile


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FAQs about Massage Mercantile Coupon?

Should massage therapists sell retail products?

Few independent massage therapists take advantage of the revenue potential of selling massage retail products. The evidence that selling products works for service-based businesses can be seen in any big spa or wellness chain. These larger companies know that selling retail can boost sales exponentially. ...

How do I choose the right massage product?

If your practice specializes in a particular type of treatment, like sports massage or massage for headaches, finding the right product is easier. However, if you serve a wide variety of people and offer many different modalities, choosing a product is less straightforward. Start with what you use all the time. ...

How do you sell massage products?

Put your products and pricing on display in your practice and on your website. Many products, like biotone and other massage wholesale products, come with cardboard displays that can be set on a table or shelf. Add the items to your accounting system, point of sale terminal and receipt templates. 5. Market your products. ...

Can you make money selling massage retail products?

You can do that by selling massage retail products. When you offer clients products in addition to massage, they get more out of the treatment you provide – AND you make more money. Few independent massage therapists take advantage of the revenue potential of selling massage retail products. ...

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